
Born Like This is a community based organization based in Kenya (Kisumu county) established in May 2015. It is aimed at providing a safe, nurturing and loving environment to people living with disability as well as widows and orphans. This organization was established out of love, and from our motto “disability is not inability.” We are seeking to instill such mentality in these young people so that they do not give up on their dreams because of their condition.

This initiative was started by Mrs. Phoebe Onyango, who was touched to see how children and women suffered because their parents and husbands had died of HIV/AIDS and how some of these children who were living with disability lost their self-confidence because they couldn’t accept themselves as they are. She believed that a touch of love is what they needed; she wanted to give them love. So far she has been taking care of them in a small shelter and receiving food donations from local churches to help feed them.


The Issue
The disabled children are being mistreated, some are orphans and homeless, women are widows and what these people need is love, support, and to be given an opportunity to better their lives. We believe that empowering these people empowers the nation; these children are the future of our country.

Our primary objectives are to provide shelter, food, and clothes. We would also like to equip the children with skills and empower them to unleash their potential regardless of any unfortunate circumstances.
Our Vision
To see all disabled, orphans, and widows living their full potential and the disabled knowing that even though they were born that way, their disability does not mean inability to do anything.

The Program
We are seeking to achieve our objectives by:
  • Promoting literacy: Seeking book donations and distributing among them, having structured storytelling, and reading out loud sessions.
  • Promoting arts and culture: Poetry, drama, crafts, dance, music and beadwork.
  • Promoting entrepreneurship: Encouraging them to start their own businesses.
  • Wellbeing education: Educating them about HIV/AIDS, encouraging physical education (sports).
  • Motivational talks: Inviting speakers to constantly come and motivate them.
Our organization hopes to achieve key things like education, our own shelter, our own well to fetch water, and our own therapy center. It can be very difficult for these individuals to receive the care they need since those with disabilities are often stigmatized and discriminated against. Thankfully, Born Like This serves as a voice for these people and is committed to providing a safe and loving environment for people with disabilities.